Emergency Operations Center


16 minute video describing the RDAP or colored window card system and the forms, personnel, and setup of an Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

An Emergency Operations Center or EOC can be organized anywhere. Depending on the circumstances you may only need three people, or you may need many more. Size the center and personnel to the need.

Here is a flow chart of how the EOC interacts with the other elements of the Stake Emergency Response Plan

EOC Case

Each Ward should have a case containing items and forms useful in setting up and EOC in a selected location.

Suggestions for items to include in the case.

Example EOC Setup - Below is an example of how an Emergency Operations Center could be set up. Each of the blue boxes represents a table. All of the tables may not be necessary based on your emergency. Depending on your emergency, you may only need two tables to proceed with the business of the EOC.

Job Descriptions for EOC Volunteers - Here are links to simple job descriptions that an EOC manager can use to quickly train a volunteer to start helping quickly. Keep paper copies of these in your EOC case.

Forms to Use in the EOC - Here are printable forms that may be useful if you are faced with setting up an EOC. It is a good idea to keep a number of paper copies of each form in your EOC chest as you may not have access to a way to print or copy more forms during an emergency.

Volunteer Sign-in Form - This form is useful to keep track of who has worked in the EOC and when they worked.

Request for Volunteers Form - Use this form with neighbors who have come to the EOC asking for assistance.

Volunteer Registration Part 1 Form - Use this form with neighbors who have come to the EOC to help our. This form helps you match their skills and equipment with requests for help.

Volunteer Registration Part 2 Form - This if a release of liability for people who are volunteering their help. This is a very important form as it help keep the neighbor receiving help and our EOC out of legal problems.

Safety Training for Volunteers Form - This form has 11 statements that each volunteer must read and sign on the Safety Training Attendance Form. This form was developed by the State of Utah to allow an EOC to meet the legal requirement to providing safety training to individuals before sending them to a job site. This is a very important form.

Safety Training Attendance Form - This form helps provide the proof that you have met the legal requirement to provide safety training to volunteers. This is a very important form.

Volunteer Referral Form - This form is given to volunteers who have completed the registration and safety training. The form has the address of the job site for the volunteer work.

EOC Expenses Incurred Form - Use this form to record the expenses incurred by the EOC that may be reimbursed.

Area Captain's Report to Bishop - Use this form to record the condition and needs of the neighborhood zone of the Area Captain.

Bishop's Report to Stake - Use this report to provide information to the Stake on the condition and needs of the Ward.

EOC Kit Supply Checklist - This is a list of some suggested items to add to your EOC kit.